Wednesday, October 15, 2014

endless burdens...

 morning ride again.


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at #12. Wata is working on his el camino which has been not in a good condition for the last couple of weeks.


 Wata said he wanted to drop off a couple boxes at a shipping company before he heads back to Japan tomorrow. here is one.


 and this, too?


man! this, too? and 10 more boxes came out one after another. yea and somehow shinya and T had to help...

まさか、これも? で、なぜかWタナベ氏の荷物なのに木村氏と捜査犬のハムちゃんが重いものを動かす役。しかもこの後、出るわ出るわで一つ二つって言っていた箱は10個以上に。恐るべし、Wタナベ氏。

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